How are you growing?
Pic: Source unknown Wherever you are and whatever you are discovering in life right now… is more than okay. We are each on our own journey and it is not a competition. This is actually …
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Pic: Source unknown Wherever you are and whatever you are discovering in life right now… is more than okay. We are each on our own journey and it is not a competition. This is actually …
How much energy do we spend trying to change our circumstances to feel better, only to find the same situation arise in another form!? As humans, we tend to focus on what’s …
The coaching industry tends to get a bad wrap. Completely unregulated, there are bound to be outlaws- in it for the wrong reasons, with no accountability, perhaps running from their own struggles. After interacting with …
There have been times in my life when I have felt ineffective, incapable and barren. Like I was pouring effort and energy into something and nothing was happening. Impotent. In those moments, when we …
What does it mean to be wild? Definition: Living in a natural state, untamed, unbroken, uncivilised, unconstrained, uncontrolled, unaffected by human control and cultivation. Fierce. Powerful. Free. Wild animals are distinctly different from their …
My entire life, I have been curious about the patterns and systems which control human behaviour and relationships. As a young woman, I observed patriarchy in action but could not understand why women were excluded …
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