Remember how scary it was when you started looking inward and realising that so much of your struggle in life was shaped by YOU?
Or maybe, you haven’t fully realised this but sense this truth lingering just under the surface.
Whatever you want in life- whether it’s a swoon-worthy relationship with your partner- or more time with your family- or seeing your name in lights – or running your own successful business – or creating lasting change for society- all of it possible with inner work.
It complements, enriches and simplifies everything you do in your lifetime. Once you commit to taking the leap and doing a deep dive- you develop the ability to turn anything – any pain, challenge, difficulty or obstacle – into a force for good.
When you’re ready, time is irrelevant??
You could spend 10 years slogging away in your career or business, not realising all the additional weight you’re carrying- challenging relationships, tug of war within yourself lack of clarity, wavering confidence… stress and anxiety as your norm.
Then you meet another woman, who is flourishing and moving forward in her career with precision and certainty who manages to achieve the same amount in under 12 months. And somehow she seems to be more satisfied. How is that possible? Alignment.
It’s not a competition, but the lesson here is that when we avoid doing the inner work, it makes everything else unnecessarily difficult and delayed.
Are you ready?
Here are some signs that you are RIPE for action:
- You feel like you don’t know who you are anymore;
- You struggle with confidence despite having proven skills;
- You know that you have a call on your life but the future is surrounded by mental fog;
- You are sick of being swayed by other people’s opinions and expectations;
- You have lost your spark and feel uninspired despite previously being passionate;
- You have started to develop unexplained health issues (particularly gut issues); or
- You are carrying high levels of anxiety or stress.
And the pain of the status quo is greater than your fear of change.
If this is you, let me invite you to become a Woman of Influence. This is a program specifically for women who:
- Have already done a lot of inner work and are excited about connecting the dots and allowing it to overflow into their business or career;
- Are in business already and have tried a number of training and masterclasses to improve their results but are having trouble sustaining change and connecting and converting their ideal client;
- Have a business that has started to make sales and want to learn how to exponentially expand their reach; or
- Have a sound business concept and the necessary expertise but are just getting started and want to save the time and money by doing it in alignment to begin with.
Yes, that’s me! Book a call now.
It is not for you if:
- If you are dreaming about doing something grand but have not yet crossed the threshold of investing in the necessary skills and certifications to get you ready;
- You are wanting to fast forward success but you want to skip the part where you take radical responsibility for your life;
- You are keen to grow but there are major things in your life that you need to focus on right now that are preventing you from doing the work (current relationship or family situation); or
- You’re doing well enough for now and you’re happy to keep doing what you’re doing without challenging your motivations. mindset, self worth or relationships.
Are you a self starter?
If you have self-identified that you are not ready for this experience but you still want to progress your life, you are more than welcome in this community. Actually I would love to hear from you how I can better support you right where you are.
In the meantime, here are some steps you could take to progress your journey on your own:
- Dive deeper into your personality, identity and archetypes – use metrics like MBTI, the Fascinate test, Wealth Dynamics or the Enneagram. Discover your patterns, strengths & weaknesses and get real about how you are creating your own reality.
- Get curious about how your life experiences have uniquely positioned you in your ideal career or business. How does your unique perspective equip you to serve others in a value-adding way.
- Do a stock-take on your relationships. Who are your inner circle, how are they rubbing off on you? Who has your back? Who is there supporting your highest expression? Who is there holding space for who you’re becoming? Who else could you invite into your life to fill that space?
I work with a lot of women who have released massive weight- past pain, toxic relationships and mental and health struggles. They are now fully expressed, fully aligned and here is the key difference between those who manage to do that and those that never do:
Radical responsibility.
“The moment you take responsibility for everything in your life is the moment you can change anything in your life.” – Hal Elrod
You get to decide whether you carry those experiences with you each day as an added burden or whether you transform them into a powerful purpose.
If you’re ready, I can show you your unique blueprint for reinvention.
There are still a few free strategy sessions available before we close the doors on the Woman of Influence experience 2022.
Go all-in on you and click here.